Sharner Kobold Sharner Kobold


Bag of the Cudgel

This item seems to be a normal linen sack. But if an ordinary, non-magical wooden cudgel is placed into the sack for at least 24 hours, that cudgel can be called out of the bag once per day, by opening the item and speaking a command word. Then the wielder of the bag can direct the cudgel to attack his opponents in the same way as a dancing club +1 with a base damage of d10. In contrast to other weapons with the dancing enchantment, however, the cudgel can attack on its own for up to 15 minutes (!) or until called back into the sack. The cudgel reverts to normal if it is separated more than 30 ft. away from the bag.

Strong transmutation, caster level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, changestaff or summon nature’s ally VII, shillelagh; Market Price: 43,200 gp