The Weekly Gatezeer #16

So nach der längeren Weihnachtspause gibt es nun wieder den Gatezeer.
Hier die News der vergangenen Woche…
1. Complete Adventurer Excerpt
2. NEWS: Ten Reasons for DMs to Buy Complete Adventure
3. Product Spotlight: Complete Adventurer Designer Interview
4. Previews for January and Beyond
5. D&D Miniatures: Deathknell Preview 3
6. D&D Miniatures: Recurring Villainy — Aspect of Bane
7. Complete Adventurer Wallpapers and Screensaver
8. NEWS: Eberron’s third adventure — Grasp of the Emerald Claw
9. Adventure Locales: The Floating Island
10. Rules of the Game: Making Magic Items (Part 5)
11. NEWS: Ten Reasons for Players to Buy Complete Adventurer
12. Steal This Hook — The Trials of Academia
1. Fringe Benefits
2. Jedi Counseling 56
3. The Oblee
1. Ein neuer Artikel im Bereich: With Fiends like these…
2. Updates Galore in the New Year
Das war’s für diese Woche.